When we travel to a different country, we usually ignore the traditions and costumes of it… Reconsider it and end with that bad habit! So, in case you want to avoid embarrassing situations… you should be aware of the tips in Cancun. So, keep reading.
Different scenarios

In some places is up to you if you want to give a tip. Whether you liked the service or if they were kind to you. In these cases, you give it because you want to be grateful not because you must do it.
There are other cases when the tips are included in the bill and you don’t need to give more money. Usually, tips go from 10% up to 15% of the total cost.
And last but not least, in some restaurants, tips are not included in the bill, but you must leave around 10%. Why? Well, in Cancun it is well known that the salary of the waitress is low, so, the tips represent an important extra income.
Where do you give tips?

Well, in Cancun it is common to leave a reward in restaurants, spa’s, hair salon, valet parking, bar, entertainment shows, and packers.
Also, you must know that in a few restaurants of Cancun (not all of them) the entertainment team approaches your table to do magic tricks, in this case, you can give them from 50 to 100 pesos. As well, you may see in restaurants or night clubs the “Guy of the roses”, with him the story is different. You just buy the number of flowers you want, but it is not necessary to give a tip.
Have an amazing time in Cancun and enjoy the different attractions here! And avoid embarrassing moments.